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AICG Articles

Showing 1–8 of 8 articles
Tech Care - Clinical Governance and System Safety
Tech Care - Clinical Governance and System Safety

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, technology is both an enabler and a challenge, reshaping how we deliver, manage, and access healthcare services. Liz will discuss the critical role of clinical governance and safety in digital health. As we explore frameworks that underpin sound governance, including some takeaways from the Health Innovation Community (HIC) conference, we’ll consider what it means to 'think differently' about health technology - why the integration of clinical governance isn't just about compliance but about achieving better, safer patient outcomes. 

Clinical governance
Digital health
Systems Thinking
Do digital hospitals work for clinical staff?
Do digital hospitals work for clinical staff?

Investment in digital health is advancing rapidly. In 2020, the total global funding for digital health was the highest recorded at US $26.5 billion. A global appetite for digital health, fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated rapid adoption of point-of-care technological solutions, including telehealth, has driven the digital disruption of health care.

Digital health
Job satisfaction
What is responsible AI, and why is it relevant to clinical governance?
What is responsible AI, and why is it relevant to clinical governance?

The rate of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in healthcare is growing, with immense scope for its application in healthcare – from robotic surgery and virtual nursing assistants, to preliminary diagnosis and automated image diagnosis. Where AI abuts the clinical interface, so must its governance.  Therefore, governance in AI must include clinical governance.

Digital health
Why aged care must digitise
Why aged care must digitise

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Royal Commission) recommended that every approved provider of aged care (whether delivering personal or clinical care) adopts a digital care management system, including an electronic medication management system, and that this should be an ‘immediate focus’ (Recommendation 68 of the Final Report).  

Aged care
Change management
Digital health
Royal Commissions
Clinical governance and clinical systems
Clinical governance and clinical systems

How are clinical information systems relevant to clinical governance? The answer is quite straightforward: imagine a world of care delivery in darkness (literally or metaphorically), absent of any information about the person for whom you are providing care.

Digital health
Remote care: More than remotely caring
Remote care: More than remotely caring

An important aspect of clinical governance, particularly in primary and community care, is monitoring and early intervention. Particularly important in older people in the early detection of functional decline or clinical deterioration.

Aged care
Digital health
Person-centred care
Primary & Community Care
Clinical governance in a digital world
Clinical governance in a digital world

It’s almost impossible to think about clinical governance these days without also thinking about digital health. But what does clinical governance mean in this digitised age?

Digital health
What is clinical governance?
What does clinical governance mean in 2021?
What does clinical governance mean in 2021?

Clinical governance has attracted fresh limelight in recent times in the context of a pandemic, intense public scrutiny of our aged care and disability systems, and concomitant acceleration of digital health.

Aged care
COVID-19/Infection control
Digital health
Person-centred care
Royal Commissions
What is clinical governance?
Showing 1–8 of 8 articles

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