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AICG Articles

Showing 1–3 of 3 articles
Person-centred decision-making in the face of impaired decision-making
Person-centred decision-making in the face of impaired decision-making

Authentic ‘person-centred’ care involves truly understanding a person’s preferences, wishes and values.  But what if that person is no longer able to decide what they want, or communicate this?  In Australia, most states and territories (with the exception of NSW and Tasmania) have enacted legislation to support the creation of, and reliance on, advance care directives (also known by other names, such as advance care plans).

Person-centred care
Consenting to risk
Consenting to risk

Understanding risk and how it applies in any given context is essential when providing informed consent. Therefore, ensuring such understanding is part of our role when delivering any kind of healthcare.

Acute care
COVID-19/Infection control
Person-centred care
Risk management
A clinical governance perspective on politics, politics aside
A clinical governance perspective on politics, politics aside

The challenges which COVID-19 presents to clinical governance has required intervention at the government level to promote safe, quality care in the context of a pandemic.

Acute care
COVID-19/Infection control
Person-centred care
Showing 1–3 of 3 articles

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