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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 18 articles
Consistently great care requires great systems to support people to be great
Consistently great care requires great systems to support people to be great

Over the past three decades, many health systems have sought to enhance care delivery. Despite various approaches such as quality improvement and lean management these efforts can fall short. Failures are often attributed to leaders and workers not doing the right things. This article argues that the real quality problems lie in the underlying systems staff work with. It says that human service organisations will be more successful if they focus on designing systems that support the delivery of high-quality care, rather than trying to fix the people working within them.

Clinical governance
Complex adaptive systems
Continuous improvement
Job satisfaction
Systems Thinking
How to make improvement spread stick
How to make improvement spread stick

Spreading, scaling up, and sustaining improvements in human services is a complex challenge that many countries, including the UK, USA, and Australia, have been tackling. Despite significant efforts, the sustainability of scaling up local improvements remains low. One reason for this is the traditional, linear approach to spreading improvements, which often overlooks the complexity and evolving nature of healthcare systems.

Change management
Clinical governance
Complex adaptive systems
Continuous improvement
Systems Thinking
The ‘Rider Elephant Path’ change model summary
The ‘Rider Elephant Path’ change model summary

Managing change remains the most important challenge that leaders grapple with today. By our nature, we resist change and lean towards sustaining the status quo.

Change management
Complex adaptive systems
Dealing with resistance to change
Dealing with resistance to change

Change is scary — and challenging. Maintaining an existing habit is easier than changing it and trying something new means there is a possibility of failure. Most people prefer to stay in their comfort zone than venture into unknown territory however change is where we grow and improve our organisations. So if change is inevitable, how do we deal with it when it happens?

Change management
Complex adaptive systems
How to leverage change within complex systems
How to leverage change within complex systems

Systems can be complex and change can be difficult. So how can you make it possible?

Change management
Complex adaptive systems
How systems thinking supports effective change
How systems thinking supports effective change

Systems thinking is a way to maximise program/organisational effectiveness.

Change management
Complex adaptive systems
How to approach and plan a quality improvement project
How to approach and plan a quality improvement project

This guide suggests a way to use the concept of microsystems to focus the QI process on the locus of responsibility for patient experience, provides an overview of the process of quality improvement, discusses a few well-known models of quality improvement, and presents a few tools and techniques that organizations can use to address various aspects of consumer experience.

Change management
Complex adaptive systems
Formula for developing a great improvement aim statement
Formula for developing a great improvement aim statement

Research shows teams who develop a good aim perform better. A good aim statement captures the voice of the customer, of those we serve.

Change management
Complex adaptive systems
Engaging Staff in the Quality Improvement Cycle
Engaging Staff in the Quality Improvement Cycle

A free short course by Dr Cathy Balding to help you engage staff in the quality improvement cycle.

Change management
Complex adaptive systems
Showing 1–10 of 18 articles

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