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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 25 articles
Creating an Upward Spiral of Staff Satisfaction and Care Quality - Together!
Creating an Upward Spiral of Staff Satisfaction and Care Quality - Together!

All human service sectors rely heavily on a common success factor: people. Care providers and consumers form a symbiotic relationship. They are two sides of the same coin. This webinar explores how this relationship can be designed to create a positive and upward spiral of improved staff satisfaction and care quality. 

Clinical governance
Job satisfaction
Quality improvement
Staff satisfaction
My ah-ha moment about making the case for quality
My ah-ha moment about making the case for quality

In this webinar, Dr Cathy Balding and her guest, Professor Peter Hibbert, discussed Peter's "ah-ha!" moment about making the case for quality.

Clinical governance
Quality improvement
Service and clinical governance framework
Service and clinical governance framework

Service and Clinical Governance is everyone's business. This framework guides all stakeholders in understanding their roles and responsibilities.

Care governance
Clinical governance
Quality improvement
Lightbulb moments: My ah-ha moment about the quality flow - from the bedside to the boardroom and beyond
Lightbulb moments: My ah-ha moment about the quality flow - from the bedside to the boardroom and beyond

In this Lightbulb Moment webinar, Dr Cathy Balding and her guest, Tanya Farrell, Director, Maternity Services and Deputy Executive Director, Nursing and Midwifery - Western Health, discussed Tanya's "ah-ha!" moment about the quality flow: from the bedside to the boardroom and beyond.

Quality improvement
Organisational design for safety and quality
Organisational design for safety and quality

What skills and experience do clinical governance or similar teams and units need to support your organisation's safety and quality agenda? In this webinar, Dr Sarah Fischer, Acting Executive Director of Safety at Safer Care Victoria, discussed the various roles and relationships to ensure fit-for-purpose teams.

Quality improvement
Safety Culture
Lightbulb moments: My ah-ha! moment about joining the quality dots
Lightbulb moments: My "ah-ha!" moment about joining the quality dots

In this Lightbulb Moment webinar, Dr Cathy Balding and her guest, Louise McKinlay (CEO, Safer Care Victoria), as they discuss Louise's "ah-ha!" moment about joining the quality dots.

Quality improvement
Making compassion a core ingredient of improvement systems
Making compassion a core ingredient of improvement systems

Engagement surveys show a never-before-seen level of fatigue and burn-out. The last results of the National Health Service (NHS) national staff survey showed 46.8% of staff have felt unwell as a result of work-related stress in the previous 12 months. Attrition and turnover are at near all-time highs.

Quality improvement
Staff satisfaction
Around half of aged care residents receive evidence-based care
Around half of aged care residents receive evidence-based care

How many aged care residents receive care based on the best available evidence? We all want this for the people we serve – but what’s really happening?

This ‘CareTrack’ paper reports on the first Australian study of adherence to evidence-based care for people in long-term care using a standardised method. The study examined the care received by 294 residents across 27,585 care encounters in 25 long-term care (aged care) facilities. 

Aged care quality
Clinical care
Evidence-based care
Quality improvement
Setting people up for change success needs this essential ingredient
Setting people up for change success needs this essential ingredient

A core objective of change leadership is to set others up to succeed in your absence. But as we all know, that is a lot harder than it sounds. Research has shown that storytelling has a remarkable ability to connect people and inspire them to take action. “Our species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories,” the anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson has written. “The harder the situation, the more essential it is.”

Change management
Clinical governance
Quality improvement
Looking beyond individual incidents to reduce consumer harm
Looking beyond individual incidents to reduce consumer harm

Ensuring organisations learn from patient safety incidents is a key aim for human service organisations. The role that human factors and systems thinking can have in enabling organisations to learn from incidents is well acknowledged. A systems approach can help organisations focus less on individual fallibility and more on setting up resilient and safe systems.

Clinical governance
Clinical risk management
Quality improvement
Showing 1–10 of 25 articles

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