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The implementation playbook

Implementation is often a weak link in improvement efforts to meet targets. Yet the success and sustainability of change depends on it. The Implementation Playbook is a quick reference guide developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to facilitate effective health-related implementation efforts.

It aims to provide health and human service practitioners and policymakers with useful tools and templates to drive measurable progress toward health targets. Examples of tools include:

Stakeholder Mapping Tools

This tool helps identify and engage key stakeholders, ensuring that all relevant parties are involved in the implementation process. It supports identifying stakeholders' interests, influence, and roles to facilitate effective collaboration and communication.

Action Plan Template

This template assists in the detailed planning of health interventions. It includes setting objectives, defining activities, assigning responsibilities, and establishing timelines. This helps to organise and track the progress of implementation efforts.

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles

This improvement tool is designed to test and implement changes in healthcare processes. It involves planning a change, executing the plan, studying the results, and acting based on what is learned. This cyclical approach ensures continuous improvement and adaptability in health initiatives.

This guide is useful for those involved in implementation and improvement to drive sustained impact and achieve health objectives.

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