Quality Improvement Demystified
In this webinar, Bernie Harrison, Director, Improvement Academy explains the history of quality improvement (QI) and how to translate QI theories to clinical work. Participants will develop awareness of how to use QI methods to improve three classes of outcomes; cost, complications/adverse events and client experience/service measures.
Associate Professor Bernie Harrison is the Director of ACHS Improvement Academy and holds an academic appointment in quality improvement with the School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney. She has over 40 years of experience in healthcare, as a registered nurse and midwife (NHS England), researcher and quality and safety (Q&S) expert.
Bernie has extensive experience in designing and delivering Q&S training programs in the Asia Pacific region. Her training in quality improvement and patient safety occurred in the USA in 2001 and 2010 as a Fulbright Scholar. She has extensive experience in healthcare system redesign and has published a Breakthrough Collaborative (Harrison et al Vox Sanguinis 2014) in improving red cell transfusion in the elective surgical setting. She co-authored the Quality in Australian Health Care Study (MJA 1995), the most cited paper in the journal’s 100-year history.
Her previous positions include Executive Director of Hospital Performance for the National Health Performance Authority and Director at the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission.
You can view a copy of Bernie's slides here.
Short notice assessments - How to survive the jump from healthcare's burning platform
The 'burning platform' metaphor aligns nicely to describe the introduction of short-notice assessments; the implementation of which constitutes a very different focus to standard practice that can’t be resolved by doing “more of the same”.