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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 401 articles
Capturing the consumer experience takes more than filling in a form
Capturing the consumer experience takes more than filling in a form

We all understand that the essential role of patient experience in achieving successful healthcare delivery. Or do we? This article argues that really understanding the patient experience in such a way that it drives organisation-wide improvement,  requires a comprehensive view that captures the full range of interactions across a health service organisation, beyond completing a survey.

Integrated Care
Do systems eat culture for breakfast?
Do systems eat culture for breakfast?

Leadership and culture are pillars of any clinical governance framework and often cited as the key framework components.   But Dr. Kedar Mate and Josh Clark from IHI challenge us to understand the role that systems play in good care.  They argue that many improvement initiatives fail due to systemic issues rather than a lack of vision or communication from leaders, and advocate for a focus on ‘operating systems’ that support good care.

Clinical governance
Systems Thinking
Real-time audit data significantly improves care
Real-time audit data significantly improves care

This longitudinal assessment of a new electronic audit and feedback (e-A&F) system in a large tertiary hospital was conducted to determine the system's impact on patient safety outcomes over an extended period.

Beyond ‘up or down’;  SPC charts point to the right direction for action
Beyond ‘up or down’; SPC charts point to the right direction for action

This IHI blog reinforces the importance of SPC charts and provides links to tools and guides for their use. 

Systems Thinking
Vision vs Reality: Why Clinical Governance matters at every level in Aged Care
Vision vs Reality: Why Clinical Governance matters at every level in Aged Care

Designed for leaders and teams across the sector, this webinar examined how cultural change can be achieved by embedding clinical governance principles into daily practice. Our panelists discussed the importance of fostering a shared language and building staff capabilities through targeted training, and spoke on how leadership at every level can drive process improvements to establish robust, supportive systems.  

Aged care
Clinical governance
A Pragmatic Approach to Clinical Governance
A Pragmatic Approach to Clinical Governance

Building a clinical governance framework is challenging, especially for health services that are used or provided across more than one state or territory. This webinar discussed some key components for building a practical clinical governance framework to enhance uptake amongst users of the system. 

Clinical governance
Systems Thinking
Lightbulb Moments:  My a-ha! moment on just because we can, doesn't mean we should
Lightbulb Moments: My a-ha! moment on just because we can, doesn't mean we should

Hear from Cathy Balding and her guest, Sarah Soltan, as they explored the boundaries of clinical decision-making within clinical governance, ensuring patient safety and quality care remain the top priority.

Clinical governance
Patients often notice the drift into risk before we do
Patients often notice the drift into risk before we do

Listening to patient voices has many benefits and is proven to contribute to care and service improvement. This article describes how consumers can help healthcare organisations detect and address performance drift, described as gradual deviations from best practice that become normalised over time.  

Risk management
Supporting nurses to speak up for safety
Supporting nurses to speak up for safety

The importance of a safety culture, incorporating psychological safety and encouraging people to speak up, has been identified as critical to safe care for some time. However, achieving and maintaining such an environment can be challenging. This metasynthesis examines 15 studies to “review and synthesise qualitative research on nurses' experiences of speaking up”. 

Clinical governance
Psychological Safety
Safety Culture
What does CEO leadership for improvement mean in practice?
What does CEO leadership for improvement mean in practice?

This qualitative study aims to identify key aspects of CEO participation in quality and safety programs that characterise effective leadership for quality improvement (QI). 

Managing self
Showing 1–10 of 401 articles

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