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Applied Clinical Governance for Boards

2-hour Workshop (+ online pre-reading) | $799

As a Board Director, how can you ensure you’re getting a true picture of what’s happening on the ground of your organisation? Individual Board Directors and Executives, regardless of whether they have a clinical background or not, have a fiduciary responsibility to understand clinical governance.

Over the last 25 years, there have been a number of reports and Royal Commissions that have resulted in the introduction of new compliance standards; all of which have called out clinical governance as a key factor in improving the way we deliver care.

Clinical governance refers to the systems and practices that organisations implement to:

  • Support organisational and individual accountability for the safety and quality of care
  • Maintain high standards of care
  • Continuously improve the quality of service delivery

Understanding clinical governance fundamentally requires us to know how care is delivered. Everyone working in acute care, aged care, primary or community care, disability, mental health, or any healthcare sector has a key role to play in it. However, that role will differ depending on whether you're a point-of-care clinician, a manager, or a Board Director. As the leaders of the organisation, Board Directors and Executives must set clear expectations around the quality of care delivered and create a culture of continuous improvement. 

By enrolling in this workshop, you will understand the risks associated with complex healthcare systems to proactively improve quality and safety and assist you in your decision-making, regardless of whether you have a clinical background.

Applied Clinical Governance for Boards

2-hour workshop | 12pm - 2pm | $799 

About the workshop

In the Applied Clinical Governance for Boards workshop, you will explore how clinical governance supports the Board to enact its accountability for quality care and the role of Directors in this regard. You will be able to: 

  • Learn how other organisations are ‘doing’ clinical governance, through discussion with other participants 
  • Source invaluable knowledge from an experienced facilitator with expertise in the topic, and
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your role in clinical governance as a Board Director.
Want to run a standalone Board (and/or Executive) workshop for your organisation? Email us at for assistance.

Workshop Structure

Pre-reading material

As part of the workshop, you will gain access to the Clinical Governance for Boards online course (which can be purchased as a stand-alone course). Clinical governance can be daunting to get your head around, especially as a Board Director without a clinical background. This course will provide you with a foundation to make sure you understand all levels of clinical governance. You are required to complete the online course, which will be made available 4 weeks prior to the workshop and will close 6 months after your workshop is completed.

The online course consists of eight modules:

  • Module A: Clinical Governance - a background
  • Module B: The responsibilities of Directors
  • Module C: Understanding Clinical Governance
  • Module D: The role of Directors in Making Care Better
  • Module E: Understanding Care
  • Module F: A Framework for Clinical Governance
  • Module G: Data, Accreditation and Sub-Committee
  • Module H: The future of Clinical Governance

It is estimated that you will need to spend approximately three hours on this online component, which can be completed over multiple days.


The workshop is an interactive, 2-hour session where you will cover the AICG Board clinical governance capability framework domains, glean important insights from clinical governance failures, receive tips on red flags and key questions to ask and together explore having the right information at your fingertips through effective reporting models and subcommittee structures.  

Workshop learning objectives:

  • Examine the responsibilities of Board Directors in the area of clinical governance
  • Identify, apply and manage a clinical governance framework
  • Update your understanding of contemporary clinical governance theory
  • Explore some common probes that can assist Directors to seek comfort in the area of clinical governance 
  • Analyse the critical role of the clinical/care Governance Board sub-committee 

All AICG programs have been written by experts to reflect the elements of the AICG Clinical Governance Framework, reviewed by the Course Advisory Committee and approved for continuing professional development points/hours. Please check respective courses for CPD points/hours and approval by accrediting bodies.  

Who can do this workshop?

The Applied Clinical Governance for Boards workshop is for Board Directors, prospective Board Directors and staff Executives working across any health and care sector. If you are a point-of-care or support worker or a manager looking to upskill in clinical governance, our Certificate in Clinical Governance might be what you're looking for.

Certificate of completion

Upon successful completion of this workshop (including all online elements), you will be able to download a certificate of completion, which you should retain for your records.

Delivery formats

The Applied Clinical Governance for Boards workshop is delivered online via Zoom Meetings. You will receive instructions on how to access the workshop upon purchase and two days prior to the workshop start date. For more information about Zoom and the recommended system requirements, please click here

Workshop times

Workshops run from 12pm - 2pm. It is estimated you will spend 5 hours total on this workshop (online course = 3 hours, workshop = 2 hours). All workshops are conducted in Australian Eastern Time. 

continuing professional development

Participants can record up to 5 CPD hours for undertaking the Applied Clinical Governance for Boards workshop.


$799 (inc. GST)

Applied Clinical Governance for Boards

2-hour workshop | 12pm - 2pm | $799