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Clinical Governance

Online Course | In partnership with mda national

Clinical governance provides a system through which everyone involved in the delivery of care is jointly accountable for patient safety and quality care1.

Good clinical governance places an emphasis on systemic approaches to safety and quality, rather than reactive, short-term fixes. It draws on the experiences of consumers and the contributions of all staff, as well as organisation-level strategies and continuous quality improvement.

Clinical Governance (in partnership with MDA National)

Online Course

About the online Course

The Clinical Governance course* is designed to help you to understand contemporary clinical governance; how it has developed and its structure and purpose. By exploring case studies across multiple sectors and reviewing Australasian systems and processes you will have an opportunity to determine how to improve clinical governance and patient safety.

The course contains three modules:

  • Module A: Introduction to clinical governance
  • Module B: The role of quality and safety in healthcare
  • Module C: Credentialing and professional development in clinical governance

On completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain why clinical governance is needed in contemporary healthcare
  • Describe how clinical governance applies to you, your team and the organisation that employs you
  • Describe the role and accountability of the health professional, patient and community in clinical governance
  • Recognise the importance of partnering with consumers
  • List the key criteria for good clinical governance for safety and quality in health service organisations
  • Engage in the risk management process, including reporting, monitoring and ongoing improvement
  • Describe the role that continuing professional development has to play in the provision of high quality, safe and effective patient care In clinical governance in all aspects of practice
  • Select and apply appropriate frameworks and tools to enhance patient safety

It is estimated that you will need to spend approximately two hours per module (six hours in total) on this course. You don’t have to complete the course in one sitting.

All AICG programs have been written to reflect the elements of the AICG Clinical Governance Framework by expert contractors, reviewed by the Course Advisory Committee and approved for continuing professional development points/hours by the accrediting bodies; RACS, RACGP, ACRRM and ACN.

online Course access

Upon purchase of the course, you will have three months of online access to complete the three modules. The three month period begins from the time of purchase and you can return to the course at any time within the period you are subscribed.

Certificate of completion

After successfully completing all modules of this course you will be able to download a certificate of completion, which you should retain for your records.

continuing professional development

This course offers the following:

  • AICG: 6 CPD Hours
  • RACGP: 12 CPD Category 2 Points
  • ACRRM: 6 PDP Credit Points
  • ACN: 9 CPD Hours


This course is fully sponsored by MDA National.

Workshop eligibility

Upon completion of the online course, you will be eligible to attend the related workshop; Applied Clinical Governance at a 10% discounted rate.

* Please note, this course is also offered through HEAL and forms part of our flagship Certificate in Clinical Governance for Patient Safety and Quality Care.

1. Australian Government, Australian Digital Health Agency;

Clinical Governance (in partnership with MDA National)

Online Course