Addressing Unprofessional Behaviour in Healthcare
Online Course | $150
It is widely reported that unprofessional behaviour such as bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment exists in the healthcare setting,1, 2 so much so, that it could be considered endemic3.
The effects of unprofessional behaviour, for those who are targeted and for those who may observe it, include physical and psychological symptoms.4 In conjunction with negative staff member experiences, health professionals consistently recognise the link between unprofessional behaviour and threats to patient safety and well being3. All workplaces have a responsibility to provide a workplace that is free from bullying and harassment5.
Addressing Unprofessional Behaviour in Healthcare
Online Course | $150 (inc. GST)
About the online course
This course has been prepared for health professionals to help identify acceptable workplace behaviours, to identify the concepts of direct and indirect unprofessional behaviour such as bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment (BDSH) and employ strategies for detection to make the workplace safe and supportive.
The course contains three modules:
- Module A: Focuses on the individual
- Module B: When the patient may be the subject of bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment
- Module C: Developing strategies for when there is BDSH in the workplace
On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Define unprofessional behaviour
- Describe the impact on the individual
- Develop strategies to manage unprofessional behaviour
- Comprehend how significant unprofessional behaviour is in terms of the impact on providing effective patient care
- List patient healthcare rights
- Reflect on professionalism and non-judgemental healthcare practice
- Develop strategies to address the behaviours if experienced in the care of your patients
- Comprehend the negative impact of such behaviours on everyone in the workplace
- Describe the role and challenges of an advocate and supportive bystander
- Be informed to speak out to assist and to improve the workplace culture
It is estimated that you will need to spend approximately two hours per module (six hours in total) on this course. You don’t have to complete the course in one sitting.
All AICG programs have been written by experts to reflect the elements of the AICG Clinical Governance Framework, reviewed by the Course Advisory Committee and approved for continuing professional development points/hours by the accrediting body; RACGP.
online Course access
Upon purchase of the course, you will have six months of online access to complete the three modules. The six month period begins from the time of purchase and you can return to the course at any time within the period you are subscribed.
Certificate of completion
After successfully completing all modules of this course you will receive a certificate of completion, which you should retain for your records.
continuing professional development
This course offers the following:
- AICG: 6 CPD Hours
- RACGP: 6 CPD Hours
$150 (inc. GST)
License This Course
Enrol multiple of your staff and incorporate the Addressing Unprofessional Behaviour in Healthcare and our other courses right into your own LMS with our Licensing service. Find out more here and email a member of our team to explore your licensing opportunities.
1. Royal College of Surgeons Expert Advisory Group. (2015) Final report and recommendations to RACS advising they take a bold stance on Bullying, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment. Melbourne.
2. AMA Report (2015) AMA declares zero tolerance for sexual harassment, bullying.
3. Westbrook, J., Sunderland, N., Atkinson, V., Jones, C. and Braithwaite, J. Med J Aust 2018; 209 (9): 380-381.
4. Bully Zero Australia Foundation (2017). Workplace bullying.
5. Australian Government (2009) Federal Anti-Bullying Laws – Fair Work Commission (FWC). Canberra.